Pikes Peak
Friday, June 20, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Took quite a few pics on yesterday's (6/14/08) long run, here are a few of 'em.
From Barr Trail, shortly after No Name Creek:
I always stop at this plaque on the way up. I hope to live to be 88, let alone be in good enough shape to be hiking Pikes Peak at that age. If I'd get to choose, getting hit by lightening on a high peak would be a cool way to go. I think this plaque is just above 12,000 feet:
This one was taken just below the 16 Golden Stairs. I like how you can see Barr Trail zig-zagging across the mountain:
Another pic from the top, looking southeast:
Looking north-northwest from the summit. You can see a little bit of the Pikes Peak highway and the snow topped Rocky Mountains far in the background:
Life begins above treeline! Shortly after beginning my descent:
One of my favorite views of Pikes Peak, taken about two miles from Barr Camp on the Elk Park trail. One of the good things about being a mountain runner is the places you get to visit. Most people who live their entire lives in Colorado Springs will never see this view of Pikes, because the physical effort to get to the Elk Park trail is too great. They're missing out.
This has nothing to do with Pikes Peak, but it was on the camera for some reason. Can't remember taking it, but I didn't want to waste it. FYI, I always finish my Pikes Peak adventures at Kinfolk's with a PBR!